Remembrance Day

Dear parents / Carers

Apologies for another message from school but I feel it is important we encourage our children to mark Remembrance Day as best we can this year. The British Legion have dropped off collection tins and poppies for us here at school. Normally, children would move around the school, going from class to class to collect donations. However, given that we have to keep children in separate class bubbles we will be doing it differently this year. Each class will have a day when they will have the collection tin and poppies and they will need to bring in a contribution on that day before the tin moves on to the next class. We will have a separate tin in the Annex for Reception and Year 1, which will remain there all week. If you would like your child to contribute to this year’s poppy appeal, can you please make sure they have some money with them on the following days.

·         Mrs Walker’s class – Wednesday 4th November

·         Mrs Dyde’s class – Thursday 5th November

·         Miss Crowther Green’s class – Friday 6th November

·         Mrs Windell’s class – Monday 9th November

·         Mr Gold’s class – Tuesday 10th November

·         Miss Keatman’s class – Wednesday 11th November


Many thanks for your understanding and support.


Best wishes

Mr Middlebrook

Acting Headteacher

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